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Drawing intervention

For our intervention, entitled "Fuck Excellence: Constructing a Joyous Pedagogy," at Joyful Ontologies, a workshop by the social theory centre and the warwick performance and politics network at Warwick University, Conor and I presented a diet version of LEP III. The first half was dedicated to Playtime I, during which an exam took place. This exam consisted of multiple choice questions where the participants were tested on their ability to select the correct answer that corresponded to information from the TEF. Then the second half was dedicated to Playtime II, during which a creative drawing exchange exercise took place. The instructions were as follows:

1) take a word that stood out / described the first playtime (e.g. Excellence etc). Draw a symbol / depiction of that word (or what could be a visual description of that word).

2) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Change that symbol in any way (editing/cutting etc.) to rupture/change the symbol/visual meaning.

3) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Look at your piece of paper now and write down (at least 3) descriptive keywords.

4) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Make a descriptive sentence including all of the keywords.

5) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Look at how the creative process has changed/altered the original symbol/meaning/context. Describe this change/process using a step-by-step method (e.g 1), 2), 3)...describing at least 3 steps).

6) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Look at how the original meaning/context has changed and the steps given on the piece of paper. Now write a suggestion of how to implement this new meaning within the old context, referring to the steps given but relating it back into the real context.

7) Pass piece of paper on to next person. Now take a different coloured pen. Look at the new suggestion, do you think this would work? If yes, place piece of paper using the Blu-tac on the wall space provided. If no, is there a suggestion you could edit to make it potentially work? If not, keep hold of the piece of paper. They might make more sense as the discussion flows, or they might not.

In the last 10 minutes we then added the pieces of paper on to the whiteboard next to a relevant area in the mind map, and discussed what they all meant. See the drawings co-produced by the participants in the images above.

*This blog post has been back-dated for continuity purposes. Drawings were originally co-produced by the participants on 16th September 2016.

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